Recall: Excitement
Over the SK. Because it is now almost 4pm on Friday and the "later in the week phone call to make plans" has not happened. I have now convinced 85% of myself that this call will not actually come. 15% remains wildy optimistic, mainly because a good friend reminded me that working for a super scary government agency such as the SK's employer can result in days cut off from the rest of society. So, that small part of myself remains hopeful that he will soon emerge from the grips of his super scary employer and pick up the phone.Because really? Why make the beginning of the week phone call if one is not planning on making the aforementioned follow up phone call? The beginning of the week phone call served to remind me that he is still interested but has a lot going on right now. And this is where the 15% pipes in with all her hopefulness to say that it is not too late for that call to come and that it could still happen. And if it does happen, the remaining 85% shoots back in all her sarcastic glory, all 100% of us should be out somewhere, looking hot, and having a fantastic evening.
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