Friday, January 19, 2007

Success and Sweaters

Last night, the Editrix and I hit the mall to find me a good “I am not having a baby or in a relationship so I am going to look fabulous at a party that celebrates both of those things” outfit.

And we achieved success! Thanks to a major sale at BCBG, I am now the proud owner of soft velvet winter white pants that have a tuxedo stripe down the sides and a steel blue short sleeve sweater. I showed Roommate and her boyfriend upon my arrival home. And he said, “Sweaters have long sleeves, Jersey.” And then turned back to his computer where he continued to read Penn State football stats from the early 1990s. Roommate calmly explained to him that actually “sweater” refers to the material and not to the sleeve length. He tore his eyes away from the computer screen to ponder this for a second and said, “Oh, you are right. I mean, I have a sweater vest and that has no sleeves.” And then again, it was back to the stats.

Boys and fashion. Two things that could really get along well if only one was willing to give the other a chance. Caveat: I realize this statement if tremendously overbroad. Many boys dress very well. Such as the boys who wear dark jeans and corduroy blazers. Love those boys.


At 10:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am all about the corduroy and dark jeans - I'm trying to get my guy to see the light on this one, but he still refuses. I'll use your post as further ammo in the battle to get a better dressed man on the streets.


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