Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Lenten sacrifices

Tomorrow marks the start of Lent, which translates for me, into the time of year I feel most Catholic. The rigors of Catholicism hit you full force during Lent. Attending mass on Ash Wednesday brands you a Catholic and results in people staring at you as if you were a chimney sweeper and forgot to wash the center of your forehead. Mass usually runs longer than usual because of lengthier Gospel readings, including the ever popular Palm Sunday Gospel complete with audience participation. Catholics are expected to fast, which technically means only one large meal per day, as well as abstain from meat on Fridays during Lent. I foresee meatless Fridays posing a problem this year because St. Patrick's Day falls on a Friday. I *love* a good corned beef sandwich.

Ash Wednesday creeped up on me this year and I am having trouble coming up with the appropriate sacrifice. Past sacrifices have included chocolate, soda, Cool Ranch Doritos, Dr. Pepper, alcohol, and for the past two years, it has been shopping (for clothes, not food...as if!). As a law student, I tried to practice fiscal conservatism but when you are as liberal as I am, even the wallet eschews conservative practices. I want a new challenge for this year but can't come up with anything.

Suggestions from our readers?


At 10:41 AM, Blogger jersey said...

Ouch. And for the record, that would be a huge sacrifice, despite my team's lackluster year. I enjoy college basketball as a sport, not just as a fan of a particular team. The first four days of the tournament are my favorite days of the year.

At 3:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What fun would Trails of Margaritaville be if you weren't enjoying some cocktails on said tour? So I also vote no to giving up alcohol again.

At 3:08 PM, Blogger jersey said...

don't worry, people. the chances of me giving up alcohol this year are as slim as wake's hopes of making the Big Dance.


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