Thursday, March 23, 2006

Boy Tries Again

He must have sensed that I was less than thrilled with last night's exchange. Because he sent a very nice text today. As an aside, Is calling people so 2005 that no one can do it anymore?? But, I digress. On its face, it was a very nice text. He asked me if I was up for watching basketball tonight. If I wanted to meet him. After work. Well, after he goes to the gym after work. Oh, and at the bar where we met. Which is around the corner from his apartment. And a 20 minute car ride from my house. Wow, what an invitation. Really had a hard time turning that one down.

I sense myself becoming jaded. So,I will turn to happier topics. Tonight, I saw Thank You For Smoking. In a word, HYSTERICAL. So funny. I haven't watched The OC in months and have been missing me some Seth Cohen. Adam Brody has a delightful little part as an assistant to power agent, Rob Lowe. Those are some good looking men in the same shot. But, seriously, TYFS was a great movie. I highly recommend it. Katie Holmes was damn near unbearable in it, as a warning. I loved her as Joey but she has gone off the deep end since hooking up with that nutter Tom Cruise. My friend, Red, called him that on our way from the movie and I laughed out loud. Go see the movie. It is funny and surprisingly short. Movies have gotten WAY too long these days. I don't need to be in a movie for three hours (with the exception of Harry Potter, of course).

And, finally, this is why I despise Duke. I don't normally root for Duke. But, they are always in the tournament and I usually have them going pretty far. I thought this was their year - Redick's last stand. But those devils can't even win when I want them to! So frustrating. My bracket is officially busted. May it rest in peace.


At 3:01 PM, Blogger girllawyer said...

The tricky part is telling the difference between "being jaded" and "developing good instincts." I struggle with this a lot. Am I being too hard on them, or just getting better at detecting the real bullsh*t even before it gets going full-force?

When you figure this out, will you tell me, please?


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