Tuesday, March 21, 2006


I don't watch a whole lot of television. If I am home during the week, I will watch whatever is on but I don't rearrange my life for TV. With the notable exception of 24. And I don't think that makes me pathetic. Last year, I decided to take a stand against TV and scheduled my seminar during 24. I am not going to lie, it was awful. Every Monday night, I would frantically call TH and beg him to tape that night's episode. Sometimes, he would pull through but often, I would hear "I don't have any tapes. You should have told me earlier." Seriously. Almost every week of this, and then I was forced to settle for the written recaps on the Fox/24 website. Which actually aren't all that terrible. But not in the same realm as the *real thing*. So, this season, I decided to acknowledge that Jack Bauer owns me on Monday nights. No sense fighting it.

And 24 just might be the greatest television show ever made. The last few weeks have been top notch television, don't get me wrong, but the 'let's kill off everyone' strategy of the writers left me somewhat disenchanted. In the last few weeks, we lost lovable Edgar Stiles, hateable Lynn McGill and long time fan favorite Tony Almeida. And from last week's previews, things didn't look very promising for my fave, Curtis Manning. Thankfully, that was just a clever ploy by the editing folks to get me all nervous for nothing because Curtis survived last night's episode unscathed. Last night, the writers came back to the fans with full force. Two out of the blue storylines emerged that left jaws hanging open across the country - what is the VP's beef with Wayne Palmer and is Audrey Raines selling secrets to terrorists?

Ok, I know. An entire post about 24? But, seriously, greatest show ever.


At 11:39 PM, Blogger girllawyer said...

Amen. I'm still on season three, though, being a new convert and anal-retentively opposed to going out of order. So I'm not reading this post all the way through. But I, too, absolutely love the Jack Bauer.

At 4:58 PM, Blogger me said...

yes! i wonder if tony is really dead? they didn't pay much attention to his dimise...there's a definite possibility he'll be back.

and i LOVE that Collete named Audrey!!! i've never really liked her that much...
i could see her getting disenchanted with the *system* when Jack *died.*
could be a Nina situation. oh boy!

At 5:21 PM, Blogger jersey said...

I agree with you, KP. Audrey is going to crack under Jack's interrogation and say something like "I thought you were gone and I had nothing left to live for." Vomit.


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