Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Fun in the sun

Tomorrow I leave for vacation. An honest to goodness *adult* vacation. This is the first time in two years that I am leaving town for something that is not a bachelorette party, bridal shower or wedding. Seriously. Well, I did leave town to take the bar. In Roanoke. Not even remotely a vacation. And I've gone home in the last two years, obviously. Okay, maybe my initial statement should be qualified some. Due to the sheer number of weddings and all wedding related events that I have had in the past two years, I have been unable to spend my vacation days from work or my money on traveling somewhere just for fun. Weddings are expensive for more than just the parents of the bride (or whomever picks up the tab). And as a single girl, spending all your hard earned money on others' nuptials...well, frankly it gets a little old. So, I am taking a trip to Florida for FIVE whole days with my sister. Spending my hard earned money on myself! I can't wait to be lying by a pool, covered head to toe in lotion with an SPF of at least 30, reading a book or just relaxing with my thoughts.

The only thing left to do is conquer my intense fear of flying so that I can board the plane. And actually make it to Florida. I plan on getting very little sleep tonight so that I pass out on the plane and wake up in Florida.

This blogger is officially on vacation.


At 11:12 AM, Blogger BlueEyedGirl said...

I also took the bar exam in Roanoke and thought it was the most offensive place I'd ever been to. Granted, I wasn't there for the most enjoyable purpose, but it was approximately 8,000 degrees, I was propositioned several times by leering, toothless locals between 7-7:30 a.m., and am pretty sure my luxury suite at the Econolodge included complimentary bed bugs. Okay, that last one's probably attributable to my own faulty hotel selection, but still, I won't be heading back to Roanoke any time soon.


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