Conversation I just had
Which was too good not to share.Me: This is Jersey
Caller: Um, yes, this is law clerk?
Me: yes, how can I help you?
Caller: My name is X
Me: Hello, X. Are you calling about your divorce?
Caller: Yes, I received a copy of a final decree of divorce from Attorney Y (his wife’s attorney).
Me: Okay…
Caller: So, I want to know…this is final?
Me: Yes.
Caller: So we are officially divorced?
Me: Yes.
Caller: So, I can take this paper tomorrow and get married to next woman?
Me: Um….well, the final decree proves you are divorced.
Caller: Yes, So, now I can get married to next woman?
Me: If you want to, I mean, you are divorced…
Caller: Okay, great. Tomorrow, I am going to get married to next woman.
Me: Okay…Congratulations!
His final decree of divorce was signed a few weeks ago. But I am sorry, ladies, some lucky gal has already snatched him up.
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