Friday, December 15, 2006

A bright spot

I got an interview!! For life after clerkship. A few weeks ago I sent my *stuff* to a bunch of firms for which I am tremendously underqualified. But one very nice lady called me last night and wants me to come in for an interview next week. Whoohoo! While this is far from an offer, it is nice to get some good news. Especially since even I am annoyed with my heavy on the melancholy blog posts.

I also have fun plans for the weekend - a night out with some people I haven't seen in awhile, and my book club's annual cookie exchange on Sunday.

I feel more good things may very well be on the horizion - or at least I hope. For my sake, the sake of my blog and for all of you as well who read my "woe is me" blog.


At 10:20 AM, Blogger BlueEyedGirl said...

congrats - and good luck! I'm similarly contemplating life post-clerkship and only recently finally decided that my post-2L summer law firm is not the place for me, with no definite other prospects. (yes, I do in fact wonder if I'm crazy) gah!


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