Friday, June 16, 2006

Open Letter

Open Letter to all those who are married, engaged, or with child:

I cannot do everything and be everywhere for everyone. Sometimes, I have to miss weddings, bridal showers, bachelorette parties, baby showers and/or christenings. Sometimes my absence can be explained by the fact that I am just not free when you decide to celebrate. I have my own life, as boring and lame as it might be at times, it is mine. Only I get to pass judgment on how I live it. I started a new job last month that is the most important job I have ever had. If I do this job right, and give it 110%, I can parlay this job into something even better. That is my focus right now. That may mean I have to skip out on some pretty big events in the lives of my friends. And for that, I sincerely apologize.

The downside to my fabulous job is that it is a rather low paying job. At 27, I thought I would be in way better shape financially than I am actually in. But rent, loan payments, my first vacation in a LONG time, all these obligations stretch my clerk salary rather thin. My decision to join a beach house took all money not already earmarked for my *adult* responsibilities. Some may call that selfish in that I have to miss out on important celebrations in the lives of my friends. I call it my attempt to keep myself sane.

Now, the problem is my blog is not entirely anonymous. Friends who are married/engaged/pregnant read this occassionally and I want to clarify that this is not a passive aggressive post directed at anyone in particular. For the last few years, I have put up with a lot of flack from engaged/married/pregnants for skipping out of things. This summer has turned out to be no different from the rest. Except I am not allowing it to get to me as it has in the past. Friends may get snarky but all I can do is apologize. And I sincerely regret that I can't be everywhere for everyone. I especially regret that not everyone gets that.


At 8:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And I thought it would the young and single crowd who would think you could make it to everything. Imagine all the times a married/engaged/pregnant or what have you has had to decline an invitation because the spouse's parents are in town or some other such obligation - and that is almost always tied to "I have so much to do - I just can't do it all." So, live your life, be polite when you decline, and tell them to "get used to disappointment" if they are persistent.

At 10:11 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said! I wish I could copy and paste this to all of the appropriate people...

At 2:21 PM, Blogger domma said...

Right on, Jersey! BAIL!!

Lazy Omnia Vincit.


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