Wednesday, June 14, 2006


Is that a word? You know what I am referring to so I defer to the Editrix to inform me if I can't spell.

My blogging has been sporadic at best so I thought I would throw out some snippets of what is going on in my life to explain my absence from the blog-o-sphere:

1) Currently, my judge is teaching two classes, in addition to his every day judge duties, so things have been pretty busy work-wise. At times, I feel like he is riding me harder than a cowboy at the rodeo. I seriously tried to come up with a metaphor without sexual overtones but I failed. He is working me hard. I thought the cowboy reference works but perhaps not.

2) I attended a cooking class at Williams-Sonoma last night. I paid a fair chunk of change to learn how to cook picnic food. You know, because I picnic so often. I didn't actually cook myself - it was a demonstration class but we got to eat a TON of deeliciousness. On a related cooking note, I am hosting a brunch for my roommate this weekend at our apartment. I could not BE more excited about the food I am preparing. I really need a boy to cook for so that I can release all these pent up entertaining desires.

3) Speaking of boys, I got nothing. NADA. Not one single thing. No satellites, no balls in the air, no crushes...ok, the point has been made. I am okay with that though. Relationships are breaking up and springing up all around me so I have plenty of relationship type issues to talk about. They just aren't my issues. What an oddly satisfying feeling. Some of the break ups I reference are marriages that are ending. How incredibly sad. I can't even imagine. My roommate's good friend is reaching the breaking point with his wife and I found myself advocating divorce. Some people are just not meant to be married. And one or both parties can only fight it for so long. But, the voice in the back of my head screams, "It is a marriage!" There is so much more to fight for when it is a marriage because of the level of commitment the parties (yes, I am a law clerk) made.

4) Speaking of divorces, (take a minute to admire the seamless transitions rampant throughout my post) we had some disagreeable parties in our courtroom last week. It was like the Jerry Springer show at times. The husband doesn't want the wife's new boyfriend to stay at the house when their kids are staying there. Seems fair, right? In defiance, the wife's lawyer suggests that the judge ask the husband who he is romantically involved in. Can you guess? The wife's younger sister. So Jerry Springer - I could hear the audience's reaction, No, she did not say her sister! Snap!

Those are some brief snippets of what is going on in my life. I realize my blog should be more than that but right now, that is all I got.


At 5:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Snippets from the puppet!


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